New Year's Resolution Check-In - Pretend Vacation

New Year's Resolution Check-In

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     It's the dog days of summer! I'm at the beach as we speak, and I've done all the appropriate summer activities: watched a fireworks show, sipped a piña colada by the pool, paddle boarded on open water, and sat on an adorable novelty beach towel to watch the waves. If there's anything else summery that I'm missing, you can bet I'll get to it ASAP.

    As always, it's hard to believe the year is more than half gone. It's hard to believe I made my New Year's Resolutions more than 6 months ago. I made the same one I always make: to know less about celebrities. I just don't care to know any more, anymore. I don't know those people, I never will, and I've got enough real life names I can't remember. The sooner I can't tell all those hunky Chrises apart, the better. Plus, when I watch a movie, I don't want my brain to constantly remind me that the protagonist onscreen tried to defund Planned Parenthood. I just want to watch the pretty people pretend and see myself reflected in their circumstances and characters. 

    This has been my most successful year of not learning new things about celebrities yet. After the pandemic, I just can't invest in press junket narratives and talk show interviews like I used to. My other resolutions are a product of the pandemic and vaccination as well. I resolved to be more spontaneous, more participatory, and more celebratory. A family friend once passed along a piece of advice from his father: if you're invited somewhere, do everything you can to go, even if you don't want to. At the cost of a few transit related stomachaches (does anyone else want to vom at the thought of missing a train??), it has paid off in a way the celebrity resolution never has. I've spent more time with friends that I thought I would get to, tried more restaurants, and seen more sights. 

    In the back half of the year, I plan to continue upholding all my resolutions. Already, my calendar is filling up. What joy! What delight! I'm going to go sit on my stoop with a popsicle to calm down.

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