Happy Valentine's Day - Pretend Vacation

Happy Valentine's Day


Mustang print

    Today is not about having a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Today is about Romance with a capital R, and it's not reserved for couples. And before you protest, I don't mean this in a conciliatory or pitying way. I mean it full stop. I'm dedicating this day to show myself a little romance, and not as a stand in for someone else.

    In last year's Valentine's episode of the brilliant podcast You're Wrong About, co-host Sarah Marshall perfectly summed up this approach: "Enjoy loving yourself." We're often told to love ourselves, take care of ourselves, respect ourselves, so on and so forth until it all means nothing. Rarely are we reminded to enjoy the act of loving ourselves (I'm not exclusively talking about masturbation here, but let's not rule it out). 

    For me that looks like a long day of only nice things, things I find romantic: a leisurely walk, the newest Netflix period piece, an extra cup of coffee in the morning with heavy cream instead of half-n-half, maybe even doing something with my hair (like...brushing), and definitely perfume.

    What does it look like for you?


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