Meg Ryan is the Queen of Mauve - Pretend Vacation

Meg Ryan is the Queen of Mauve


    In other words, here are a bunch of movie stills featuring Meg Ryan bathing in pink light, back when Millenials were just a twinkle in their parents' eyes, and Millenial Pink was a distant dream.

    You Are Good, a film analysis podcast led by Sarah Marshall and Alex Steed, recently released an episode on Sleepless in Seattle. Marshall brought up the background radiation levels of wealth and abundance that permeate all of Nora Ephron's films. In this particular film, Sam has a boat house in Seattle, and Annie's parents live in an American Girl catalog of a house. It's not flashy or ostentatious; Ephron depicts this wealth not as a statement about her characters but as a reality of the comfortable, warm world in which the characters exist.

    That world is slipping ever further away due to the devaluation of the dollar and rising income inequality. Millenials will be the first generation to earn less than their parents. For me, Millenial Pink has always conjured visions of Annie's kitchen in Sleepless in Seattle. The mauve tones illuminate the 30-something experience that Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks repeated throughout Ephron's catalog, the same one people roughly my age are trying to emulate, however the cards are stacked against us.

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